Hi, I'm Lasse
I help Entrepreneurs
achieve their personal and business goals, without getting stuck.
I bring authenticity and clarity
into all aspects of your life in a
transformative approach.
Let's do this together...
Lasse is a Modern Renaissance Man with a diverse tool box - always following his heart, passion and love for empowering people to find their true purpose and living their dream life - personally and in business!
In the past he has been at the bottom of his own life struggling, which has let him to his own transformation.
He works as an Online Transformative Life and Business Coach and owns a
Video Production Company.
He started his first successful online business in 2003 and has a background in:
Marketing, Sales, Videography, Fashion Industry, Multiple Online Businesses, Music Production, Content Creation, Mindfulness, Psychotherapist (DK), Bachelor in Social Work (DK).
His big passion is roasting coffee ☕
Start with the roots and build your Tree of Life!